Every monthly subscription box is specially catered to each age group’s capabilities with a bit of art therapy thrown in. I started my own kids painting at two-years old and loved watching them explore the medium of paint. It is such a fun, loose, easy activity and starting them younger is such a great idea. At first the paintings might just be shapes and lines, or mixtures of colors, or both! For the bigger kids, I will talk about color mixing, and specific details and painting tips. Teenagers and older will explore personalization of paintings and how to add specific styles to any composition. Our goal is to let evey age explore and have fun!

We Have 3 Boxes
To Choose From

Best for ages 3 - 6
This box is great for our little painters! The compositions have been simplified as well as the instructions on how to do the painting. It is such a fun, loose, easy activity
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At first the paintings might just be shapes and lines, or mixtures of colors, or both! Let them explore and have fun! The benefits to painting for our young prickly painters are so great! It will not only help with imagination, but physically with increasing their dexterity, hand and eye coordination, learning about colors, shapes, and developing awareness in self-expression. Each box also includes small lessons on art therapy and even our little painters have ideas on emotions and colors. I also hope it creates a passion for painting, and they share their view of the world with us through this art medium.
Sneak Peak

Best for ages 7 - 12
This box is an awesome choice for our growing artists and artsy tweens! The compositions and details for the paintings are a little more next level, and so is the instruction.
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We can talk about color mixing, and specific details and painting tips that artists in this age group can understand and try while they are enjoying the monthly painting. There are also “Prickly Push” cards included that are small cards with ideas to keep these artists creating outside of the monthly painting. Each box includes some art therapy cards and how to apply or share some ideas or thoughts our Prickly painters may be feeling during the month. This helps teach expression and a positive way to process feelings and thoughts different life experiences create in us. This box is a great idea for young artists that already enjoy drawing and painting, and are looking for some tips to learn more about painting and want to practice in between the monthly paint classes.
Sneak Peak

Best for ages 13 +
This box is for all my developing artsy kids (and artsy kids at heart that have found themselves growing up) to help continue their skills and own style in painting.
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This box helps teach ways to personalize paintings and add a specific style to any composition or subject. There are “Pioneer Prickles” cards that add some challenges or bonus instruction to the monthly paintings to continue the fun and growth in this incredible medium. The monthly lesson that comes with this box also includes more ways to apply art therapy through color choices and style used with the painting. I wanted to create a box that could continue to teach (or if you are a beginner, start to teach) more ways to connect with our world around us and the one inside of us by painting.
Sneak Peak
How A Creative
Outlet Can Help
Did you know that creating art and painting can help you actually feel better?? Like so many of us we have experienced a lot of change and some challenging times the last few years. I find therapy in painting and I think that kids can, too! Art is not only a way to express our likes and interests, but also to express our feelings and thoughts in a much easier way than talking about it sometimes. Painting can be such a great way to create beautiful art pieces, and help sort out emotions or thoughts we have. Painting is also fun and creative, and such a great activity to do with friends and family! We can share our ideas with others which allows us to grow and feel better, too.

Life these days can often feel like a wild wirlwind. My Prickly Paintbrush subscription boxes will make it easier to schedule creative activities without having to also search for supplies or project ideas. Each month will have the perfect age-appropriate project provided with no extra work from you. Join the Prickly Paintbrush crew and allow your child’s creativity to bloom along with your own!